It's so nice to have you here
I was born in South Windsor CT. I grew up with both my parents practicing hair/cosmetology. My dad and mother opened up a Salon and Spa in CT. They both worked so hard to provide for my sister and I. Working hard is in my blood. Ever since I was young I always have loved giving and supporting people. No matter if my own family or a stranger on the street, I am a firm believer that we have the power to change people lives positively. Even if its just a small gesture. A motto I have always lived by was " treat other how you want to be treated" This passion of mine steered me into a profession of social work. I have my bachelors degree in psychology and minor in art therapy. I worked in child protective for a couple years and then transitioned to working as a social worker in healthcare.
The creative energy that is like a fire inside me never felt like it was getting enough air to fully burn in the way it should. That is when I started to look into other career paths. This is when I found a masters program called interior architecture. I have always been interested in the psychology of space and color. This career path was able to mold my interests of psychology and design into one. I have been working at a commercial architectural firm for the last 5 years and really enjoy how much I have learned but I still feel like my creative energy is being underserved. This sparked my interest to focus on what I truly love which is to help people visualize there design. I have been able to develop skills over the years that I can draw 3D models and use these tools to help my clients make decisions that they feel comfortable with. This creates a less stressful process because I take some of the unknown out of the equation.

What is your go to coffee order?
Drip coffee - black!
Favorite meal of all time?
Hot Fudge Sundae with extra Whipped Cream and Choc. Sprinkles on top. No Cherry :)
Best vacation you've ever been on?
When I lived in Ireland for 6 months studying abroad.
I lived in Galway and loved it! I even played Rugby!
Your favorite activity to unwind!
Walking the Beach with my dogs
What gives you the most joy in this life?
Spending time at my camp with my family and friends and dogs